Books & Workshops



Middle Way Health publishes books and sponsors guest speakers, conferences and workshops, including a special series of workshops called the ‘Middle Way Training’ and a recently-published book called 'Falling in Love with the World Again.

Falling in the Love with the World Again

Falling in Love with the World Again is about the heart and soul of self-discovery, and what it takes to bring wonderment back to life. It is a collection of articles written by health practitioners about the challenges of daily life, as well as the occasional overwhelm of it all. The authors use a relaxed tone to tell their personal stories, which are honest, engaging and relatable. The theme of the book is the power of balance in our daily lives: The balancing of our mental processes, our actions and re-actions, and our personal situations with the big picture.

Middle Way Training Workshops

LogoThe workshops and books are timeless spiritual and psychological teachings in a modern, casual context. They teach us to recognize the opposing elements in our lives and help us find balance, happiness and freedom by learning to perceive and appreciate the freshness of each moment as it is. The principles upon which the workshops are based are inspired from Buddhist philosophy, but you don't have to be Buddhist or even necessarily spiritual to benefit from the teachings.

The workshops we offer can be utilized after therapy or in conjunction with it. While they exemplify how individual therapy, writing and other specialized workshops can go together and really improve and enhance our lives, the workshops can also stand alone as a one-time experience or ongoing means for self-exploration.

Image of a man practicing martial arts with a sunset behind him

Place: Simple Human Studio, 700 Alhambra Blvd, Sacramento, CA
Time: Thursdays 12:30 pm - 1:30 pm
Cost: $20.00 per class | Drop-in or 4 for $70
Register: Middle Way Health

Please make checks out to: Middle Way Health

View the flyer for more information

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