225-Hour Master Hypnotherapist Training Program
Course Catalog & Syllabus
Enrollment is temporarily closed for the current, 2025 session of hypnotherapy training.
A new session will be offered soon. Please contact Sue Marshall (916.837.1267) to be placed on the “interest” list for the next available session.
Middle Way Health School of Hypnotherapy is currently offering individual classes to earn continuing education credits. Call Sue for the latest offerings.
Catalog for Master Hypnotherapist:
225 Total Clock Hours
Instruction is held at 720 Alhambra Blvd., “The Forum”, Sacramento,
California 95816. A 7-month program.
California statute requires that a student, who successfully completes a 200 hour course of study and passes all exams, be awarded a certification of “Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist”. There is no formal licensure of hypnotherapists in California at this time.
Prospective students are encouraged to visit the physical facilities of the school and discuss personal, educational and occupational plans with the school personnel prior to enrolling or signing an Enrollment Agreement, by appointment.
All information in the contents of this school catalog is current and correct to the best of our abilities and is certified true by Sue Marshall, Director.
About Our Training
Our training prepares the student to assist others in achieving hypnotic states and applying hypnotic principles to a wide variety of vocational endeavors, effectively and safely. We emphasize the importance of limiting the practice of hypnosis so that one does not inadvertently practice medicine or any other specialty that requires licensure. As an important part of our training we assist students in carefully defining their fields of expertise.
Training CEUs for Licensed Therapist
Middle Way Health Family Counseling, Inc
is a Continuing Education Provider #1000054
Through California Association of Marriage and Family Therapist
Middle Way Health can provide up to 36 hours of CEU credits to Students who complete the Certificate Program of the Middle Way Health School of Hypnotherapy.
Please see Sue Marshall, the Director, for details
Staff Instructor
Sue Marshall, Ccht, CHT, is the Director of Middle Way Health School of Hypnotherapy. She is a Certified clinical hypnotherapist and a Certified Transformational Hypnotherapist, has her own private practice. Sue has studied various forms of deep emotional healing work which she incorporates into her practice and teaching of hypnosis.
Schedule for the 2025 – 2026 Session
101: May2025: 3, 10
102: June 7, 8, 14
103: July 5, 6 12
104: August 2, 3, 9
105: September 6, 7. 13
106: October 4, 5, 11
107: November 1, 2, 8
108: December 6, 7, 13
109: January 2026: 3, 4, 10
Course Fees
Additional Costs Include:
$10.00 per hour for assistant supervision of “Practice Trades” outside of class. Paid in cash.
Tuition Discount
A tuition discount of $100.00 per module will be applied if tuition is paid 10 days before class starts. (Paid in full, in the form of cash or a one time Venmo payment).
Payment Plan
3 equal payments per module of $670.00 per month plus $250 1 time during the three months for your professional session. Each payment includes a handling fee of $3.67. We accept cash, Master card, Visa, Venmo or checks Paid to Sue Marshall. First payment is due 10 days before the first day of class. The remainder of the payments must be made the first class day of the month.
Class Manual
Class manual remains property of Middle Way Health, until graduation day. Upon graduation, your manual is yours to support you in your personal journey of the transformational world of Hypnotherapy.
Advanced Certification
Advanced classes that apply toward advanced certifications are offered through Middle Way Health School of Hypnotherapy with the certifications given through Middle Way Health, School of Hypnotherapy and American Council of Hypnotist Examiner’s.
The certifications and requirements for each are as follows:
Certified Hypnotherapist-CHT (225 Hours)
Requires: Completion of the 225 hour Certified Hypnotherapist Program, passing the Exam, and 2 documented sessions with a Certified Hypnotherapist.
Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist – CHT (300 hours)
Requires: 75 advanced course hours after/during completion of the 225-hour Master Hypnotherapist Training Program.
Certified Transformational Hypnotherapist – CTHT (350 hours)
Requires: CTHT
certification, and 10 documented sessions with a Certified Transformational Hypnotherapist.
Middle Way Health School of Hypnotherapy is located at 720 Alhambra Blvd., Sacramento, California, USA.
The “Forum” is used for classes. The facility utilizes the bottom floor of a two-story office building in the downtown Sacramento area. There is reasonable
parking, and additional parking within walking distance. There is convenient access to the nearby freeway, and many restaurants and motels are also mostly within walking distance.
This school, the facilities it occupies, and the equipment it utilizes fully comply with any and all federal, state, and local ordinances and regulations, including those requirements such as fire safety, building safety, and health.
Restrooms are not wheelchair accessible.

Course of Instruction
Occupational Objective:
To become a hypnotist, or to develop the ability to engage in other professional uses of hypnosis. A certificate is awarded upon successful completion of the course.
Prerequisite for Admission:
Life experience leading to emotional maturity, high principles and a responsible attitude, as judged by the administrative staff on the basis of a written application, and interview. A fairly high degree of self-disclosure and willingness to participate in self-exploration exercises is a requirement for the program.
Progress Record
Our program uses a thoroughly researched feedback system that has been shown to build self-confidence, as well as competence. The procedure involves giving the student specific, positive behavioral feedback immediately after demonstrations of skill (e.g., hypnotizing). This builds confidence. This evaluation is performed by members of our apprenticeship program who supervise the daily performance of each student in groups of 2 or 3. These evaluations are then recorded on the Student’s Evaluation Form, along with the grades for two written examinations—the mid-term exam, and the Final qualifying exam.
All exams are given and graded under Sue Marshall, Stephen Bryant Walker and Debbie Ledford’s direct supervision, along with all aspects of the student evaluation process. If the students have difficulty with any aspect, they are given special tutoring as part of the program so that all students completing the program satisfy the minimum requirements by the end of the training. There will be some additional cost for students requiring tutoring, $20.00 per hour. Students are graded on a pass/fail system.
Midterm & Final Exam Dates Announced 1st Day of Class
Course Outline
Module 1
101: Introduction to Hypnotherapy
Opening our sacred circle, the history and philosophy of Hypnotherapy, understanding the subconscious, exploring memory, heart-centered client/therapist relationships, creating safety. Also includes trance induction techniques, levels of trance, deepening techniques, post-hypnotic suggestion, pacing and leading, goal setting, and the language of trance, suggestibility testing and script writing.
24 Hours
102: Emotional Clearing, Hypnotic Communication, Resistance
State-of-the art techniques for rapid clearing of emotions and reprogramming the subconscious mind. Includes identifying feelings, etheric plane communication, running and changing incidents, inner child regression work, discovery of the inner family and the inner supporter as resources for fulfilling needs. Identifying types of resistance and control issues, wall and guard technique, dealing with guilt and shame and clearing sexual abuse issues.
24 Hours
103: Inner Child Work
Learn about identity and power during the stages of childhood. Recognize the ego fears in the defenses to the core beliefs. Tap into the physical body where possible complexes are stored. Rescue and nurture the Inner Child.
24 Hours
104: Inner Support Person/Parent/Inner Harmony/ Inner Guides
The journey within to the Inner Support Person/Parent/Romantic allows us to find from within that which we have been searching for on the outside. It allows us to add to our Inner Family, which completes the process of nurturing that may have been lacking or ignored in childhood.
24 Hours
Module 2
105: Past Life Regression
Past life therapy as applied to emotional clearing, atonement work, and changing personal Karmic patterns. Learn to access creativity through past life resources and change relationship contracts. Participants learn and experience pre-conception contract work to discover life’s purpose.
24 Hours
106: Conference Room Therapy
Communicating with different aspects of the personality and working with them to facilitate long-lasting behavioral change. Working with the judge, inner child, rescuer, victim, cynic, rebel, etc., as well as deep shadow aspects to help clients discover, and integrate parts of themselves that shape their lives. pose.
24 Hours
107: Specific Regimens – Working with Habit Control
Covers theories of addiction, interview, addictive personality technique, saboteur and entity involvement in addictions, weight mastery programs, smoking cessation work, and cutting-edge work with co-dependency cycles. Includes working with those aspects of the client that enjoys the habit or behavior. Learn to recognize patterns of behavior, even if the client doesn’t, and move beyond denial.
24 Hours
108: Establishing a Professional Practice
Investigating advertising and free marketing opportunities, office management skills, networking skills, and legal and ethical limits to your practice.
24 Hours
109: Review and Final Exam
An additional 9-hours of outside-of-class trade sessions between students (equates to six 1.5 hour sessions) completes the 225-hour program.
24 Hours
Placement Assistance
Middle Way Health supports all the graduates in their future career or personal development in the Hypnotherapy modality. The doors are wide open to how you see yourself taking advantage of this specialized training you will have completed. We do not offer placement but can suggest how to put your skills to use.
Attendance Requirements
Students are expected to attend all classes on time, and to bring necessary study materials. When absences are unavoidable, the student should inform the instructor of the reason, and arrange with a fellow student to discuss missed work, to get copies of handouts and notes. Make-up classes or tutoring will be required, at extra cost, for more than 4 hours of missed class time. Absence will be excused on the basis of responsible actions of the student. Unexcused absences may lead to dismissal. Tardiness: Classes begin promptly at 9:00 a.m. and students that are late are responsible for making sure they get any information they have missed. Constant tardiness (3 or more occurrences) will result in consultation with the Instructor/Director, which may result in a private session with the Instructor, at the students expense ($125 .00 per hour). Continued tardiness that disrupts the class may result in dismissal.
Advanced Standing
At the discretion of the Administration, prior training and/or experience may allow a student to enter advance training sessions. A diploma may be granted to these students if they meet the requirements. Certification is by Middle Way Health School of Hypnotherapy.
Dismissal Policy
Students will be dismissed if their conduct disrupts the learning environment. The instructor may dismiss a student from a particular class, but dismissal from the program requires review by the Administration.
Class hours run from 9:00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m., with a lunch break between 1:00 – 2:30 p.m. Classes are taught 4 days per month. Please refer to schedule dates above. Dates are subject to change.
Office hours for Middle Way Health School of Hypnotherapy are: Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m. We can be reached at (916) 837.1267. Occasional weekends we are open, call for more information.
Refund Policy
If a student submits a written request for withdrawal from the program, any time prior to the beginning of the training, a full refund will be sent within 30 days. After the classes begin, charges are based on the time of receipt of the written intention to withdraw. A student may cancel until the fifth business day after the student attends the first class with a full refund, less $125.00 Application fee. A student may cancel at any time after this period and receive a pro-rated refund based on total hours paid for, but not received, divided by the total hours paid for, to be remitted within 30 days of receipt of written notice from the student. The Refund Policy for Middle Way Health School of Hypnotherapy is detailed in the Enrollment Agreement, which a student signs and receives a copy of on the first day of class.
Example: A student notifies Middle Way Health School of Hypnotherapy in writing that they are canceling after the sixth day (48 hours) of training. The student has paid a total of $3500.00. The student does not return the books valued at $250.00). The refund would then be: 177 (hours paid but not taken) divided by 225 (total hours paid for) X $3500.00 for a Total Refund of $2753.00.
Leave of Absence
In the event that physical illness prevents completion of the program, the student may choose to complete the missed hours of training at a later time at no additional charge and pick up where they left off in their original training.
This hypnotherapy training was the most life changing training I have ever done because it was so experiential.
The hypnotherapy training I received with Sue was the most transformational experience of my life. It started me on a journey of self-discovery and personal growth. Twenty years later, I am still evolving and hope to continue this journey until the day I leave the planet. The classroom was warm, welcoming and nurturing. I felt extremely supported by the instructors and students. This program is life changing. I would recommend the training to anyone who truly wants transformation.
I would like to say anyone needing a Hypnotherapist or hypnotherapy classes Sue Marshall is excellent. Sue is very passionate about her career and helping people. Sue is always on time, prepared for teaching with humor and professionalism. She is a wealth of information and has adequate hand out information to take home and review as needed. Sue is always dressed appropriately with an upbeat demeanor and positive attitude. Thank you for your service and caring nature. The world needs more Sues.
I received the benefit of personal growth and development by attending hypnotherapy school. I had very supportive teachers. Not only did I meet new people, but most importantly I was introduced to the inner me. By allowing myself to let go of old patterns and behaviors I became more aware of who I am, as a human being. You learn to peel the onion back and get down to the core of who you really are. Not only do you receive the personal benefits from the education but you can also receive the benefits of a potential career opportunity. Hypnotherapy is a life-changing experience.
Sue is an amazing Hypnotherapist and I have learned so much from her that I have been able to apply to my own private practice. She is very compassionate, understanding, and non-judgmental. She is always in a good mood and is very warm and bubbly. I have gained knowledge about inner child work and the codependency triangle. It seems like she has a solution for any problem you can think of. She is constantly working to improve her practice. She is definitely one of the best therapists I have ever met. I am looking forward to continue learning from her and being a student at her school. Highly recommended!!!
I studied hypnosis under Sue for 9 years, both as a student and assistant. Sue is an extremely gifted instructor and practitioner of hypnosis. Her classes are informative and life changing as well as an experience you will not soon forget. I highly recommend learning under Sue.
Click here to download a PDF version of the Course Catalog