How much are private sessions?
Sessions are $125.00 per hour. Sessions are anywhere from one hour on up, depending on the topic that is being addressed. A 24-hour cancellation notice is required to avoid a rescheduling fee. Each session is completely confidential.
Sue works with children as young as 7 years old on up to any age. Families and group sessions are also available. Feel free to contact Sue directly to see if your issue is something that Sue feels would be helpful for a session to be booked.
Address: 720 Alhambra Blvd. Sacramento, CA. 95816.
Located across the street from the beautiful McKinley Lake. (Off I-99, in Midtown Sacramento)
Phone: (916) 492-9007
E-mail theessentialbeginning@gmail.com
Some Feedback about Sue Marshall
Sue Marshall is a wonderful hypnotherapist and provides awesome guidance regarding identifying and dealing with our various triggers especially those of the inner child. She was so excellent that I referred my mother, three daughters, my girlfriend and even my ex-wife and her boyfriend to her. Like me, they all loved working with Sue, and she truly made a difference for each of us especially in learning to communicate in a health way with one another. Her work with us strengthened our relationships with one another and with ourselves. I highly recommend Sue!
I have tried other therapists in the past and they didn’t work for me like I needed them to. Sue, CCHT makes me feel UNDERSTOOD and she has played a huge part of my healing journey. She has put me to work to regain my confidence and strengthen myself mentally. It isn’t easy to relive abuse and to discuss your emotions but it’s necessary to move forward. With her tools you will learn to say Goodbye to your old life and enjoy your future.