Hooves to Healing: Equine Facilitated Wellbeing
You can spin an interaction with another human being any dozen ways, but when you are with a horse, you can read how your relationship is going in real time. Their ears are forward, neutral, or pinned back, they are attentive, relaxed, or on guard. You know quite literally, where you stand with a horse, and this candidness has proved beneficial to people with certain emotional or physical challenges in their life.
The simple act of approaching a horse can cause a human’s heart rate to slow. The pleasant easy contact between a horse and a human can stimulate the release of oxytocin, a neurotransmitter known as the “cuddle hormone” associated with positive touch.
When you enter the world of Equine Facilitated Well-being, you will understand the feeling of connective energy, the “Chi” flowing between the horse and yourself. The world of the horse provides a healing experience for children, teens, and adults who experience anxiety, relationship issues, trauma, depression, and PTSD. Everyone can benefit from the therapeutic environment and interaction with the horse. The horse knows how to model being in the present moment and living in the here and now. They don’t get hijacked by negative thoughts, opinions, and judgments. They foster a sense of aliveness and connection with self, others, and life.
Facilitator Sandra Warne, LMFT, has practiced psychotherapy in the Sacramento area with individuals, couples, families, youth, and teens for 31 years. She is also a lifelong partner of the horse, having began her equine relationship at the age of five years old and training her own horse at the age of 12. She coaches, directs, and supervises the Hooves to Healing experience for the purpose of restoring and renewing mental health and vitality to all participants.
Each individual who embarks on Equine Facilitated Wellbeing brings their own individual experience to the process and will develop confidence, emotional awareness, improved empathy, impulse control, problem-solving, and social skills as well as trust in self and others. Participants in Equine Facilitated Wellbeing are required to sign a separate liability waiver and short medical history form. Helmets will be provided for participants.
Inquire with Sandra about fees, and any other questions you may have. Insurance will not be billed for Equine Facilitated Wellbeing.
Sandra Warne, M.A., L.M.F.T
(916) 568-1025