How Our Healing Communities Come Together
Middle Way Health Family Counseling, MiddleWay Health Foundation and Lion’s Roar Dharma Center all work together for our community. But how?
All four hold a Common vision and are motivated to help people heal, be happy and free.
Let’s break it down a bit:
- Middle Way Health Family Counseling offers private practice therapy to help others – and it crosses all three entities.
- MiddleWay Foundation offers free therapy and social work (helping people gain structure and getting things done, helping with social stuff, and basic life skills).
- Lion’s Roar Dharma Center is a place where people come to learn meditation, yogic practices and intensive introspective practices. We also help people realize their inherent worth and freedom. While often people come for spiritual needs, some may also need psychotherapy and/or social services assistance. All three entities together are building community like a little village where everyone helps each other.
There is, so far, one additional outlet: Expressions is a Friday evening gathering – open to all – which was born out of the wish to make visible what is too often invisible: The good stuff beneath the mess of the suffering. Middle Way Health, Middle WayFoundation, and Lion’s all join Forces through Expressions. So many talented and conscientious people host these events, whether through music, poetry, art, etc. Highlighting the goodness that is actually all around us, as well as within.