Honoring the Growth Within

by March 2015

“Often what appears as a nonsensical desire brewing within is actually a call from my soul to re-think, re-feel and re-create certain aspects of my life.”

It can be difficult to allow and honor the growth occurring within us when that growth appears on the scene like a rebel without a cause. We may worry that our newfound perceptions, attitudes and desires will not be acceptable to those around us. The new aspects of ourselves may seem almost irrational, causing us to second guess ourselves. Or worse, deny the evolution of our spirit and journey, thus suffocating the growth with judgment, fear and discomfort.

I’ve learned of late that often what appears as a nonsensical desire brewing within is actually a call from my soul to re-think, re-feel and re-create certain aspects of my life. So rather than blowing it off as passing fancy – especially when it keeps rearing its head like a silly bouncing Jack-in-the Box – I allow myself to explore the meaning behind it and reasons for it, pros and cons, consequences and potential.

If I can’t at first see the big picture or justify taking action on an epiphany that hasn’t fully revealed itself yet, I continue on with the flow of my life… Until another wave of longing for a specific kind of change crashes into my consciousness and finds its way through an open window.

I may be wet, but I’m also now more alert than before. Because when I can really see or sense a pattern, I know there is something important pushing me to re-envision and evolve my life, to grow my person into someone always spiraling toward betterment rather than safety. And when I look directly at it, examining all of its parts, I see that the rebel aspect dissipates as the fair, wise adult within decides it’s finally time to give this one a go.

For more on Melanie and Dream Life Designing visit her staff page.