The Garden Diaries: A Little Musing

by September 2017

“”(G)ardens provide more places for hide-n-seek, garden games and garden parties. And these are just as important.”

So how important is a garden, really, in the scheme of things?

A garden is a physical representation of Sacred Space and the Potential of Growth. Sacred land gives us a sense of openness and connection with earth…. for the trees, water, sky – we are part of them.

Sure, any garden or sacred space has a practical side (such as shade and function), but also a social aspect (for connecting with others), a mystical/magical side (think secret garden), and a romantic trait (which enters the heart space).

In addition, gardens provide more places for hide-n-seek, garden games and garden parties. And these are just as important.

Have you ever thought about what your favorite kinds of gardens are?
English, Italian, Japanese, Whimsical, Other?

And do you already have a strong connection with nature or do you sense some disconnection?

For many of us, Nature is spiritual space that helps us feel a greater connection to “something larger”. From there, gratitude, clarity and meaning emerge like beautiful little seedlings from the earth. In this way it is easy to feel that we are indeed one, and it is a beautiful thing.

“Every blade of grass has its Angel that bends over it and whispers, “Grow, grow.”
– The Talmud